Dr. Janeen DeMarte came into the Jodi Arias trial like a wrecking ball clearing the way for Travis Alexander's TRUTH
Zoey, what can be done about Nurmi being a jerk to Dr. Demarte, one of my twitter buddies asked me. A lot. Trust and believe! In the words of Jeff Gold, "Juan Martinez and Dr. DeMarte are going to come in like a wrecking ball!" I made a list of comebacks through the tweets the best I could Friday.
Mr. Nurmi's rude questioning of Dr. Demarte will not serve #JodiArias well.
There is much for Juan Martinez to ask the Doctor to opine on in redirect. I've noticed redirect is his specialty!
She is a Clinical Psychologist. It is clear from their body language the jury likes, trusts and respects her. Calling her Dr. Death was like calling them all The Jury of Killers. Strike ONE!
After the name calling, Nurmi began by mocking her experience.
I liken her to the child protege. If they can play that piano like a professional to worldwide audiences, no one cares how long they have been playing....they can DO IT! Or in sports , yes there are seasoned veterans on the team. Everybody loves them. Guess what..if the new kid can kick the ball further and run faster...the new kid gets to play.
Results are all that matter and Dr. Janene Demarte has got the goods.
Juan will have the opportunity to remind the jury of her extremely impressive promotions she had due to her exceptional work and the confidence her boss had in her.
From jump........
She didn't work in a lab...she was the Manager of the lab
She was never just a student.....she was a superstar
During her year of residency she worked in forensic evaluations and treatment.
Dr. Demarte could have become licensed at that time. SHE CHOSE to continue to work with other psychologist to broaden her studies, engaging more with various psychologist TO BROADEN THE ARRAY OF TYPE OF WORK SHE COULD DO. It was a humble move on her part.
After that year, she became licensed in July of 2010.
Here is the punchline.
IMMEDIATELY upon getting her license she was appointed as the Director of large behavioral health agency in Phoenix.
She supervised the entire broad range of staff, INCLUDING
master's level counselors,
master's level social workers
doctorate level both at the MD and Ph.D level
nurse practitioners
She taught them how to
conduct evaluations
interpret test results
write reports
in addition to therapy
In short, Mr. Nurmi your experts may have studied these things years and years ago. Dr. Demarte TAUGHT the CLASS
Since your experts have SO MUCH experience Nurmi it makes it that much more egregious that they are doing the testing wrong. It makes so obvious, their overt bias, that they are bending the rules into a pretzel to arrive at what they opine. The jury knows that a former judge called out Geffner on the record as "a hired gun", so their distrust of him is confirmed. Look for Juan to use those two words in his redirect and closing argument, every chance he gets "Hired Gun".
In the rule of primacy and recency.....he will lead with it and close with it. It will subconsciously become Geffner's middle name.
Say it with me now... Robert Hired-Gun Geffner.
Thanks for the clarification opportunity Kirk Nurmi!
Nurmi opened up the door regarding examples being given of #Jodi Arias emotions going up and down, the inappropriate and intense anger
I cannot wait for this part.
Juan Martinez has the interviews with parents done by Detective Flores to quote from, if not play on his trusty Bose player.
Every single interview with anyone that knew her Juan will have Dr. Demarte review for anecdotes
of short and amusing stories about incidents of her dramatic personality
whether it be her siblings, her boyfriends, her co workers
lastly Jodi Arias herself gave a number of examples in her journal, (you know, the Bible),
in her letters, in her texts
Juan must have a hundred examples of these. I know Juan is chomping at the bid to get in her kicking the dog so hard it ran away and how she squeezed the cat so tight she hurt it, the time she swung the bat at her baby brother. He will push to get in as much as the judge will allow.
Nurmi opened the door for Juan to revisit Jodi and her past relationships. I wish I could make him a big display board of Jodi Arias lies about her men.
Dr. Demarte will quote from interviews with
Jodi lied to the jury that she learned he was cheating and she calmly went to politely ask Bianca a few questions.
Punching out of work and driving for two hours in a rage to go confront someone is a VERY AGGRESSIVE THING TO DO. IT IS EERILY like what Paul Stern describes as
Jodi being absolutely "Frantic to go to Mesa. Travis was seeing someone else. She just had to get to him to fix/ save the relationship"
Paul Stern loaned Jodi money to go see Travis ....hold on to your seats....the day before she went to murder Travis. http://youtu.be/sLUizc-cklg
Dr Demarte may have interviewed him, or reviewed his interview . Popcorn, anyone?
Mr. Stern is not the only person who has come forward to say Oh My God, YES, I too am aware of her obsession. Gayla Lynch tells of how often Jodi Arias would punch out of work and drive for five straight hours just to go check up on/ spy on Travis.
THIS IS EXTREMELY AGGRESSIVE . This aggression blows Jodi Arias' entire case out of the water. It does!
Gayla Lynch
All of this type of hearsay is permitted in this phase, just so long as Nurmi kindly opens the door.
Nurmi wanted to say Jodi broke up with Daryl and Dr Demarte had a poor understanding of that.
I would not have brought up the name Daryl Brewer if I were him, but Nurmi never learns.
This gives Mr. Martinez a chance to again have the interview played for the jury or the transcript up on the screen.
These are the undisputed facts
Dayryl Brewer's x wife and son were moving. Daryl made arrangements to follow them. These plans DID NOT INCLUDE taking Jodi with him. He was moving on, alone.
Who cares what happened in the months leading up to the eventual moving date, the fact is he was LEAVING, without her.
Here he is in his own words explaining he feels a little guilty that he left her in the desert alone, but he had to move to follow his son. http://youtu.be/okbAekjQVdA?t=11m5s
The jury gets that. Whatever "official break up" as Jodi likes to call it was only imagined in her mind. Like that old song by the Eagles "I'm Already Gone"....emotionally; if not yet physically, DB left her.
Cue up his interview http://youtu.be/okbAekjQVdA regarding the movie "The Secret" and the law of attraction. That is just too amusing for me to comment on.
Juan can and will dispute the " No criminal history ". Nurmi was all over the place. I am going in order according to him, although Juan is much more clever than me and he will just go where he wants, no notes needed. He is THAT good.
Juan will bring out that she lied to police. That is certainly a crime, even Keifer will concede.
(Thank you David Lohr for getting these interrogation tapes. You da man!)
Juan will cue up the interview with mom and pop where they say they indeed called the police because they caught her growing pot on the roof. That is a crime, the added benefit is that if they were outraged and concerned over just weed, it is NOT likely they had cocaine casually out in the open as she testified to.
Mom and Pop of Jodi Arias
Nurmi opened the door for De. Demarte to set out , once again how very much Jodi Arias was the ring leader regarding the sex.
Juan has every single text, im, email Jodi Arias ever sent to Travis, in order. The dates are very important because
Jodi Arias telling T she wanted to "F him like a dirty, horny little school girl" predates Travis
using that same language she loved in the sex tape.
THAT IS HUGE. The defense has tried to build an entire Travis had it coming case based around the implication that Travis was , as evidenced by this text, thinking about sex with children.
Now the jury will be told and shown, once again, loud and clear THAT STARTED WITH JODI ARIAS.
He will be sure to put back up the texts where JODI is telling Travis she wants to have anal sex with him " Give my ass a much needed pounding" is not discussing a missionary vaginal position. I am sorry to be so crude, but it matters. They have implied that the reason he liked anal sex was he was fantasizing he was having sex with a little boy.Girls, boys, they can never focus. Which is it Nurmi?
Now, thanks to Nurmi.....Juan gets to point out , THAT QUITE CONTRARY TO HOW SHE ACTED SO OFFENDED BY IT, THE TRUTH IS SHE WAS THE ONE ASKING FOR ANAL SEX. My black girlfriends would say, Can I get a witness?!!!!
Juan will no doubt have Dr Demarte read into the record the interviews with Samuels , et al, where she admitted to having anal sex with every one of her x boyfriends.
"Dr." Samuels
I would love it if Juan puts up the photo of Jodi with Bobby , in guess what......
little girl braids and
a superman t shirt
He will certainly play the section of Jodi's testimony where she can be heard telling Travis that the "braids are hot" Or at least have Dr D read it from the transcript, which he undoubtedly has memorized.
Jodi Arias cross examination by Juan Martinez
Next subject Nurmi brought up was Jodi molding herself as a muse to whatever Travis wanted.
This is going to be good
Whatever Jodi Arias' problems are, they cannot be laid at the feet of Travis Alexander! He didn't cause this in her.
Jodi Arias' testimony, word for word, will either be read or shown
She admitted on the stand that she chased vampires and studied the occult with Bobby.
What in the WORLD?!!
She then said she lived in tents with Matt.
With Daryl she was Suzie homemaker, part time nan to his son
With Travis, Dr Demarte will quote from interviews with Sky and Chris, Jodi played "Molly Mormon" , literally walking around their home with The Book Of Mormon pretending to read it, not realizing she had it upside down.
Chris and Sky Hughes
The quotes from Chris and Sky about her baptism open the door for the very funny info we get from Abe about Jodi
making out openly in the parking lot with cars going by and laughing that she was
"Dabbling in Mormonism"
Mormonism has played such a big role for Jodi in this phase of the trial. Travis was such a bad Mormon. Shame on Travis. Travis lied to the church. Travis should be stoned. Travis wasn't a virgin. Travis was going to hell. Travis had it coming. Poor little confused Jodi was so naive she had no idea she was even breaking the Law of Chastity. Bless her little heart. Travis, her spiritual guru had tricked our little lamb and led her astray. Turnip Truck......the jury is over here!
Juan has an answer for this too, Mr. Nurmi. Cue up Jodi Arias early interview from jail. She is regaling the reporters with her love for Mormonism. Love this part.....she tells the reporter she was often on the website LDS.org where one can learn all about the faith. I went on there and checked it out. BIG AS DAY "Law of Chastity, What are the Limits?" It even has a cute little video with examples in case you are instructing a young person not a 27 year old Einstein.
Better still, the two Mormon missionaries were tracked down, interviewed and they are certain they explained to Jodi Arias, in a very unambiguous fashion that they intended for her to understand what the word "No" in their "NO sexual contact" part of their lesson meant. You just can't make this stuff up!! You can prepare for redirect with it.
Later today, Nurmi moved on to PTSD Alrighty then. That again . She lied! SHE LIED!! SHE LIED!
Cue up Samuels admitting she lied on the test and yes the test would therefore be invalid, and in his words, with a heavy sigh "Perhaps I should have re-administered that test".
I don't know when I have ever laughed so long or so hard as when "Dr". Samuels let out that heavy sigh.
The funny thing about this opportunity is it gives the jury another run at the HUGE, detailed lie about the two ninjas that they may have otherwise forgotten. Cue up her interview with Detective Flores. More lies on display. Thank you Kirk Nurmi.
WOW. WOW. WOW. How calmly this lady can sit and lie. She lied to him, she lied to first jury and they can and will conclude she lied to them as well. It must be my birthday.
Now rather than just a quick answer to Nurmi's questions, yes or no. We are going to use something foreign to the Jodi Arias defense.....evidence!
Juan will put up on the screen the police interrogation where indeed you hear doors slamming ,etc. and we get NO startle response from Miss sing me a song, do me a headstand, calm Jodi Arias
Cue up Aaron Dewey's interview where he explains Jodi wanted to come, asked to be picked up, made the effort to buy a ticket to fly to come to the memorial service, then she asked to go by Travis' home. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAH.
Aaron Dewey
I am now having another birthday and my sweet, sweet husband has had the baker put on the cake,
"Forever 29, Happy Birthday Zoey"
That Jodi Arias has the balls of a burglar. She is not traumatized by the thought of Travis. Her obsession is stronger than death.
As much as no one wants to see another journal page of anyone.... ever, Juan will be able to ask Dr. Demarte if JA avoided thoughts of Travis Alexander in her writings, if not to give us an example.
Page after page, day after day, everything she writes is about Travis Alexander, and this is all AFTER the murder.
She purposely sends his elderly Gram, who raised him as a son, Iris flowers, on his birthday, a day that MumMum is so racked with grief she is unable to even get out of bed. How evil.
Jodi still not avoiding thoughts of him, puts pen to paper in a long, rambling letter of lies to Travis' siblings. That is what I want Juan to end on.
I want Juan to show Jodi Arias testimony from the trial where he asks her why the hell she wrote this letter. These people were broken, desperate for answers as to why. I recall him asking her "Did they deserve these lies?"
She just shrugged her shoulders and said "I don't know. I guess not." It was with a complete lack of remorse. COMPLETE! The camera panned over to the family when she said that. I have never seen, before, or since, such rage. How they manage not to lunge for her to kill her right there is a grace I am thoroughly humbled by just watching them.
Still later today: The tweets were in unison...the jury looks tired. SICK AND TIRED is likely more the case. Still he droned on.
Kirk Nurmi wanted to ask Dr Demarte if anyone knew that Jodi wasn't really a stalker, but that Travis was having sex with her during the time he was making these claims. So we are back to the original
dirty little secret .
Juan has cued up Jacob Mefford's testimony where Jacob has photos of Jodi and Travis, in a Hilton hotel room doorway. Jodi was in her bathrobe.
Here is a video shown in trial, of Travis, surrounded by many of his best mates, with a VERY PUBLIC display of affection with Jodi Arias, or as Juan called her, "That white or blond thing" on his lap.
It is hard to watch without getting really sad; because, you hear Travis telling a story, and hearing him it is just too much.
The reason Travis, Jacob and all of Travis' best friends in the world were gathered at this hotel was a work convention. Everyone knew T and J were a couple. In fact, it was Jodi Arias being all over him in a socially inappropriate way that started to freak some of Travis' friends out. This opens the door to stories, examples of this.
Meet Clancy Talbot, who has been on the prosecution witness list. She tells of Jodi Arias in a jealous rage, confronting her. http://youtu.be/-MwJBsd2VNQ
Nurmi should have quit while he was behind and just said for once in his life, "Your honor, we have no questions for this witness". That would have been my birthday, anniversary and Christmas all rolled into one. It was not to be.
Instead of that, it seems from the tweets that he wanted to stall for time and drag out her testimony
( so he could consult with his experts over the weekend and have another go at her Monday), so he was wanting to go over the entire relationship, real or imagined, between Travis and Jodi.
***I blogged my summary of what I understood that to be already, so let me just insert that here
( some of it may be repeating what I have said so far, so just scroll past this if you like )
Chris and Sky wrote an excellent book, "Our Friend, Travis". www.ourfriendtravis.com It is definitive. It will be released after she is sentenced. Until then, here is the true story of Travis and Jodi, short version.
Jodi Arias' letter to the family; like her testimony, is REPLETE with lies. Here is one of his buddies, Mike, detailing how Travis was distressed when Jodi moved to Mesa, he pleaded with her not to "WE ARE NOT TOGETHER, WE ARE NEVER GOING TO BE. THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU TO BE IN MESA", also about how she kept sneaking in his home, when he wasn't even there, etc......etc
The truth is they were getting to know each other over the phone for a few months, in those VERY early months he had a skewed view of her and indeed did like her very very much. At that time he was proud of her and HE DID BRING HER AROUND HIS FRIENDS.
Nevertheless, he was not in love with her the way she was already
completely ( in her mind with him ). This is why he was shocked at Chris/Sky's pee or get off the pot e mail,
thus part of his response ( which is the part the defense NEVER includes in their witness testimony ) is Travis saying hold on.....it's just a long distance thing. I barely know the girl !!!!!
Sky explains the emails here http://youtu.be/X36lObDdBUU
Travis was quickly changing his thoughts about her as her mental illness kept creeping up, her overt jealousy and insecurities and he was turned off beginning to see she was NOT as he first hoped. This happened early on. He told her over and over and over again to date others as he certainly was.
She began tracking his every move. He wasn't even dating her yet she would punch out of work and drive for five hours to go check on him if he wasn't taking her calls. Here is her co worker explaining
She had no money, no place to go, her home foreclosed, her car to be repossessed, could barely keep a waitress job. He felt sorry for her and tried to help her by letting her clean his house and have groceries, etc. Meanwhile she threw herself at him sexually and was perfectly fine with the friends with benefits, don't ask don't tell arrangement of KNOWING HE WAS ACTIVELY SEARCHING AND DATING AND WANTING TO MARRY ANOTHER.
Here is Taylor Searle explaining Travis said she was a nympho
She pretended to be ok with it, but inside she was hoping she could win him over, and he would see that SHE was the one for him.
She vamped up the sex and yes he told many of his buddies it was wild, GREAT sex, it sucked him in. Still....he didn't love her and he wanted to truly LOVE someone to marry so the search was still on.
Meanwhile Travis' friends started to realize he was in over his head and Jodi was some Fatal Attraction. The friends started telling her to get lost even if Travis wasn't ready to.
He continued dating the Mormon girls and she became more and more crazed following him on dates, writing letters to them, sending them texts from his phone, trying to let them know he was with her, you name it. Then she moved to breaking in to his emails, face book, my space, hacked his phone....slashing tires. She was ANGRY
He never thought of Jodi Arias as anything but sex on the side. I am sorry if that sounds crude. The thing is she was dating other men this whole while too, and Travis was her sex on the side ( so he thought ).
When it came down to who did he trust to look after his home and Naps, he called his beloved Deanna, NOT JODI.
Here Deanna tells she busted her breaking into his home and computer.
Poor Travis started telling people don't be surprised if you find me dead one day. Dr. Hiatt, and his family he said that to
That little voice in Travis' head, THAT WAS GOD TALKING TO HIM!
She recorded the sex tape, her brother admitted, to send to Travis' love interests. This is why she was trying to get him to say on the tape Mormon girls were a bore. Click image for larger version.
It was blackmail. I believe she told him she had the tape and THAT is why in that fatal last argument she mentions she'd call her lawyer. I think he told her taping that without his consent was illegal. I'm just speculating, but whatever it was....it was a line in the sand. STILL, she had delusions she could get Travis into her web.
After she killed him she STILL wanted to pretend in her own mind that things were different than they were. She wrote a lot of vile letters, ALL of them Juan has had all along. He had the one to the family. He just chose if as and when he could use it in court. He had the ones she wrote to Ryan and this one she sent to his employer.
CourtChatter.com has many of the letters http://media.wix.com/ugd/943520_d63f3bc7a4f340ada210c8a10498ef2b.pdf
Travis was so relieved and hopeful that she was FINALLY MOVING AWAY FOR GOOD. HE TOLD MANY OF HIS FRIENDS OF HIS RELIEF.
Interview with Tony Hughes https://youtu.be/a28SH-PF-Ys
I believe she thought she could come to his house that last day, have some great sex, remind him what he'd been missing, they'd look at their photos together and get nostalgic and she would win him back. We know from receipts she had travel size face wash and travel size sunscreen. She likely had her Cancun bathing suit in those hopes. If he said no.....she had her backup plan of how to deal with this rejection once and for all. A gun, and a knife.
Jodi told Sky once she had a vision of she and Travis getting married in the temple, and since then she could never let him go as it was divined to be. There is the entire story of Jodi Arias and Travis Alexander, a fantasy she worked up in her own mind.
***** end
Back to what about Juan and redirect of Dr. Demarte...
Jodi Arias through her lawyers have accused the Mesa Police Department, the State's Attorney's Office of actual crimes of hiding evidence. They have accused Dr. Horn, the computer experts, Detective Flores and Juan Martinez specifically of misconduct at least and crimes at worst. After seven years and millions and millions of dollars and the reputation and every case that was ever tried that any of them worked on being called into question, if Nurmi/Jen's accusations were to be believed., if you were Juan what would you do?
If I were him, I'd be on a mission to have everyone believe that there is NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING more prioritized right now than everyone being all hands on deck working to prove this case. I imagine a meeting that begins with ......STOP anything else, order in, no one is leaving until we have gone over every word, every deposition, every lead a citizen sent in, every interview whether it be with us or HLN, or the tooth fairy, every social media post by any witness, and their mother. No stone will be left un-turned to clear the good name of the prosecutors office, Mesa PD, and most of all our victim Travis Victor Alexander. This is personal. Are you with me? Then I would expect a quite exuberant "Hell To The Yes"
As a very sincere Katie Cool Lady said today, "We fight the good fight".
Blog of Travis Alexander's friends http://www.travisalexanderjustice.com/friends
Travis Alexander's memorial video https://youtu.be/tm-tgbwO2aQ
The Alexanders explain why they want #JodiArias to get the death penalty.
"Some people deserve the death penalty and Jodi Arias is one of them. The family is VERY united. They want her to get the death penalty. Absolutely." Chris Hughes
I Hope You Fly song by Detective Flores daughter for Travis' family http://youtu.be/7SmqAFapJok
Chris Hughes, Travis' best friend takes us to church 3 hour interview about Jodi and Travis
http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sk9injEntire original Jodi Arias murder trial, in order edited by David Lohr
Jodi Arias penalty phase retrial, edited by David Lohr